Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions the West Coast Way

West coast new years

Each January, millions of Americans make New Year’s resolutions in hopes of improving their lives. Among the most common are eating better, exercising more, traveling more, and finding ways to be happier overall. These can require discipline in multiple areas of life, which is why so many resolution-makers fail to hit their mark. 

But what if you could accomplish all four of these things in one place… in one weekend… and enjoy yourself thoroughly in the process? Here’s how you can keep your New Year’s resolutions West Coast style.

Explore the West Coast

One of the best favors you can do yourself is driving along Highway 101 up or down the West Coast. Road trips are travel too, and they allow for much more spontaneity, comfort, and fun than any flight. Along the way, you’ll discover hidden-gem towns, jaw-dropping views, award-winning wines and craft beers, unpretentiously mouthwatering eats, plentiful beaches, and one of the most relaxing atmospheres you’ll find in the US.

Go to the Beach

Spending time on the beach can be incredibly beneficial for your mental and physical health. The color blue, the sound of the waves, and sun-induced vitamin D production are all effective for mentally unplugging and feeling happier, as are the negative ions you breathe in with the ocean air. Add the feel of sand between your toes, and the beach is the perfect recipe for feeling like a new person.

Eat Seafood

Eating (sustainably sourced) seafood offers a host of nutritional benefits. Fatty fish contain brain-, heart-, and pregnancy-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and can even help to prevent some cancers. Consuming seafood 2-3 times per week can reduce your risk of death from any health condition by 17%, and people who eat fish at this rate reduce their risk of depression by 20%. Seafood doesn’t get fresher—or tastier—than along the West Coast, where local catches include a variety of fish, crab, shrimp, shellfish, fish, and more.

Do Scenic Walking or Bicycling

The benefits of walking and bicycling are many, but you can’t get the best of them on stationary equipment indoors. Walking or biking regularly can significantly reduce your risk of obesity, death, heart disease, diabetes, depression, and anxiety. If you exercise in the coastal outdoors surrounded by ocean air, stunning beaches, forest, mountains, rivers, and rock formations, you’ll also feel more motivated and inspired. This means you’ll likely spend more time walking and biking—and burning calories.

Keep Your Resolutions the Fun Way at Del Mar Village

Del Mar Village is a quaint seaside community rich in history, striking natural beauty, and European charm. First renowned during the golden era of the movie industry, Del Mar was the retreat for Hollywood’s biggest movie stars, who came to enjoy its peaceful ambiance, pristine beaches, and exhilarating thoroughbred horse racing.

Located just 20 miles north of San Diego on the Southern California coastline, Del Mar Village is unique in its offering of a vibrant small-town atmosphere, sprawling natural playground along the Pacific Ocean, and the casual sophistication of a world-class destination.
If you’re ready to keep your New Year’s resolutions the fun way, check out our Visitor Guide and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our latest events and offerings.