Torrey Pine Partnership | Exclusive
Torrey Pine Partnership | Exclusive
–Business listing (business name, phone number, description and website link) on ten directory/map signs in the downtown and beach areas.
Exposure: 3 million+ visitors and residents
Value: $600 per business
–Business listing on Del Mar brochure directory and map (business name, phone number and website plus photo feature) on distributed to all local hotels, at all pedestrian directories, and local tourism outlets
Exposure: 10,000+ visitors and residents
Value: $1,200 per business
–Receive a DMVA partner decal
—Business ad included on at least 2 of the 4 Del Mar Fairgrounds and Racetrack signs (this is an exclusive benefit – there is a waiting list to be included on these signs) specs: 16”x16” PLUS bleed if you have bleed (.25” (1/8”) each side); 300 dpi if it’s a jpg or pdf
Exposure: 8 million+ visitors
Value: $100,000+ per business
–Business listing (business name, phone number, description and website) on (all applicable categories)
Exposure: 108,000+ unique visitors
Value: $2,400 per business
–Business logo listed on the Visit Del Mar home page under “Sponsors”
Exposure: 14,400+ unique visitors
Value: $2,400 per business
–Subscription to DMVA Business Informational E-Blast (includes alerts and information, promotional opportunities, and business-to-business opportunities)
–Inclusion of business promotion in weekly Del Mar Community E-Blast and Social Media (4 times per month). E-blasts sent out every Thursday. Business to provide promotion Monday prior to desired e-blast
Exposure: 240,000 views
Value: $9,600 per business ($200 per e-blast x 48 per year)
–Calendar events listed on (unlimited). Business to provide promotion.
Exposure: 21,600+ unique visitors
Value: $2,400 per business
–Business partnership recognition in E-Blast upon joining or renewing
Exposure: 5,000 subscribers
Value: $200 per business ($200 per e-blast x 1 per year)
–Liaison between businesses and the City of Del Mar
–Assistance with press and PR media contact list
–Opportunity to attend quarterly DMVA Economic Development Committee Meetings
–Opportunity to participate in DMVA programs (Holiday Voucher Program, Summer Valet, etc.)
–Opportunity to participate in DMVA events (Summer Solstice, Taste of Del Mar, Santa by the Sea)
–Opportunity to distribute flyers to showcase upcoming sales and events at Del Mar Community & Visitor Center office